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Day 448


Tuesday, February 25, 2020 -

The most important thing I have to thank my mother Joan for, who was promoted to heaven yesterday, is my salvation. Because it was next to her, on my knees as a child, that I confessed my sin to God and asked Him to forgive me and come into my heart. When I turned fourteen, I dedicated my life to Christ around the campfire at Word of Life Island in Schroon Lake, New York. After being on fire for the Lord during my high school years, actively involved in sharing my faith in school and the street of Manhattan, being mentored by Ron Hardy of HiBA (High Schoolers Born-Again Club), my focus subsequently became myself throughout my college years. I did then, I am ashamed to say, what was pleasing to me, and neglected my calling. Yet, God used even that time to mold and shape me. It wasn’t until I met Kathie and we were married that I determined to surrender everything to the Lord, but that is a process that would be often repeated throughout the years that followed, as God often revealed to me other things I had been holding back from surrendering to Him. This, I am convinced, is the transformation process Paul refers to in Romans 12:2, although at other times he calls it sanctification.

oday, to counter the sad news that I won’t see my mother again during this lifetime, I received a copy of a new order from my sentencing judge, Judge Arcara, asking some amazingly pointed questions in consideration of our response to my attorney’s answers to the Judge’s previously pointed questions. It is not the exact response we expected, but there is nothing discouraging about it, other than delaying my release further. I greatly praise our magnificent Father in Heaven for answering our prayers and moving the heart of Judge Arcara. This is truly a miracle! We serve a mighty God!

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