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Day 421


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I just finished reading the final copy of my response to my attorney’s mandated answers to the judge’s questions he asked them in regards to my request to vacate my sentence due to ineffective counsel. This motion was filed because my attorneys never advised me that the defense I desired to pursue, the fact I acted in reaction to my belief that a pattern of abuse had taken place during court-ordered unsupervised visitations by Isabella with Janet Jenkins, was, in fact, a valid defense for a parent removing a child from the country. Because this defense is built into the statute, all that needed to be proven was that my intent was to protect a child from abuse, which in fact was the case.

“D,” who drafted this response on my behalf, did a brilliant job but gives the Lord all the credit. He, too, believes that God sent him here to Ashland Federal Correctional Institution in order to specifically help me. But I sincerely believe it is not just to help me, but it will also be instrumental in getting the civil suit either withdrawn or dismissed. In fact, I am praying this should also lead to the ability for Lisa Miller to get the charges against her dropped, as well.

All of this is completely amazing! Miraculous, in fact! God seems to be orchestrating everything in ways nobody could have contemplated.

I do not yet know why Kathie, I, my family, and the other victims had to be put through this, but I know God has His ultimate purpose which will become evident in His perfect time. I praise Him for the experience, which has taught us total and complete dependence on Him. He has been faithful all along, and we have always believed God has had a purpose in this whole ordeal. No doubt I have grown in my walk with the Lord and knowledge of His Word. I have learned so much about how and why the whole justice and prison system needs to be reformed and actually have ideas of how to do that. I have seen men’s lives completely change here in this prison through Christ’s redeeming blood. But most of all, I count it all joy to have been singled out to suffer for the name of Christ and learn how to fully trust in Him, even when I’m knocked flat on my back (see yesterday’s journal entry).

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