Thursday, April 30, 2020 -
Today I received a very nice letter from an 85-year old lady from Jessup, Georgia, named Ruth. She said that because of the COVID-19 conditions, and encouragement to stay home, she seldom ventures away from home, and composed this little “poemlet” in response that she shared with me:
Dear Lord,
Our times are uncertain, and we’ve questions at hand,
As this strange corona-virus, stalks over our land.
And we wonder, Dear Lord, what our future will be –
As the numbers keep rising and new cases we see.
Our Lord, we’re so thankful, that You’re in control –
We see only in part, but you see the whole.
And You’ve promised so surely, Your Word tells it true,
That You’ll be with Your children when they fully trust you.
So, thank You, dear Lord, You deserve all our praise –
We love you and honor You all of our days.
She closed by saying she prays for me each day and gave me Jude 1:24-25: “Now unto Him, that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy . . . to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”
Thank you, Miss Ruth, for this is awesome and true. And I am so blessed to have one praying such as you! The Lord bless you mightily and keep you safe during this time!