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Day 518


Tuesday, May 5, 2020 -

Yesterday, I received some very encouraging mail from a number of people I do not know. One in particular from Wisconsin told me he loved me through the bond we have in Jesus Christ. He said, “I long to put my arm over your shoulder as I give these encouraging words but since it's not physically possible right now, just image my big hug.”

Another letter from a man in Missouri said he delivers pizza for a living and wants to deliver a pizza when I get out!

Then, yesterday, I had the following forwarded from India: “Hi my brother Philip, I am Pastor Abraham from New Delhi, I too have been implicated on a false case for my stand for Christ. I served 14 months in jail and more than 150 prisoners, some hardcore, came to faith. That joy is my motivation for me, to let me know that like Joseph and Paul, God allows us prison cells, to the selected ones, not to harass or torture. Then, but seeing their faith, He decides to use them to bring others to faith while they go through this temporal suffering. Brother, I know how it is, so I am praying meaningfully for your release. God makes all the impossibilities to become possibility in His time and in His way. I am praying for God’s will in your life and in the life of Kathie and your family. Stay strong, brother. God bless.”

Thank you, brothers and sisters, for all your encouraging messages.

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