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Day 585


Friday, July 10, 2020 -

Yesterday evening, instead of our usual Bible study, 12 of us gathered together to send Will Flournoy on his way, as he departed 9:30 this morning for the Greyhound bus to take him to Midland, Texas, arriving 45 hours later.

It was a blessed time, and since most of the men who meet together did not know Will at the point of his salvation, I suggested he share his powerful testimony for those who hadn’t heard it. You can read part of it yourself at One man encouraged Will to record it and put it on YouTube.

After Will shared for 25 minutes or so, several of the men exhorted him to be wary of the devil and his seduction and lies. I encouraged him to tell his story to each person he meets because if he does this, he will help to draw many, many into the kingdom of Christ. As long as he does not neglect this call upon his life to lead people to Christ, he will be blessed in his life beyond measure in a supernatural way.

Finally, for the last 10 minutes or so we laid hands on Will and prayed over him, sending him on his way into freedom.

Later in the evening I was so happy to hear from Kathie that some good friends of ours in Dallas actually know the head of the Adult and Teen Challenge in Midland and will visit with him about Will so that he might be able to keep in touch with Kathie and me during his time there (normally only contact with immediate family is allowed) at this Christian drug rehab program. Thank you, all of you who have contributed towards his entrance fee. May God bless you abundantly!

I also was very happy to hear from a man who accepted Jesus as Savior not long after I arrived at Ashland FCI. This was a great encouragement to me, as well.

Indeed, I began the afternoon somewhat discouraged, but praise the Lord He picked up my spirits prior to retiring for the evening. I praise the Lord for this and thank Him again for the victory that He is supernaturally bringing about in His perfect timing!

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