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Day 695


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

This morning a few minutes prior to 10:00 I was walking out of the unit on my way to the chow hall to pick up my lunch – the usual for Wednesdays . . . A burger and soggy French “fries.” A thought came into my head as I walked past the case manager’s office of her calling me by my name, “Zodhiates, come here!”

I walked out of the unit into the cool morning, breathing in deeply the fresh air as I pulled down my mask for the brief slow walk to the next building. This was the only fresh air I’d get all day, and as nearly every day, I’d soak in the fresh air for as long as I could, for I’ll have to wait another 24 hours for the next opportunity. I think when I am home I might stick my head outside every few minutes just to soak in the fresh mountain air that I’ve been deprived of for the prior nine months.

Yet a few minutes later, having forgotten the premonition of the Holy Spirit of just moments before, heard my name being called by the case manager exactly as the Holy Spirit revealed it to me.

She said my time was growing short and that normally I’d be going through the “Release Preparation Program.” But since that was impossible to do now we would merely receive the outline notes which I had to sign for. I read what I was signing for and asked her, “Now just to confirm, my halfway house date is still March 6, correct?” She responded affirmatively but added that she was trying to get that date moved up much sooner. I must’ve had a shocked look on my face, as she then said, “Because of Covid.”

And so my spirit leapt within me. An hour later, I received the text of a sermon on Psalm 13 Kathie sent me. In the first two verses David asks, “How long, Oh Lord? Wilt Thou forget me forever? How long wilt Thou hide Your face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart all the day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me?”

Three times David asks, “How long?” I can relate, as my own prayers have echoed these identical words over the past few weeks, with it now approaching 3 ½ months since Judge Arcara has had all required responses to my “Motion to Vacate.” God has given me many signs of my release and ultimate victory. Supernatural signs! Others have prophesied that all wrongs will be made right. That I would be totally vindicated.

David then prays, “Consider and answer me, Oh Lord my God; enlighten my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death, lest my enemy says, ‘I have overcome him,’ lest my adversaries rejoice when I am shaken.” This is a bridge to the final two verses, and I can relate to these words, as well, in my own situation. For my enemies are seeking to destroy me and render me ineffective. Satan and his followers in this nation have sought to silence me, bankrupt me, and put me away for keeps. But I serve a mighty, victorious God Whose timing is more than perfect. It is okay to ask God, “How long?” David did the same. But at the same time, I will never deny Him.

And so, I’d like to echo the words of David in the last two verses of Psalm 13, “But I have trusted in Thy lovingkindness; my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation. I will sing to the Lord because He has dealt bountifully with me.” Oh, how true these words are for me! His timing is perfect; He knows what is best!

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