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Day 77


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Today I received 12 letters of encouragement! Thank you, everyone, that has sent me a letter. You can’t imagine how much I value them.

I also finally received the certiorari petition to the U.S. Supreme Court. They will conference about this on Friday, along with the final of three amicus briefs that were filed on my behalf. I thanked God for each of the amicus briefs, which were amazingly supportive, convincing and very accurate – and each took a different tact. The petition itself, which I read for the first time, was also very convincing as to why the Supreme Court needs to rule on my case for multiple reasons. I want to thank each person who worked so hard on my behalf, particularly to William J. Olson, Herb Titus, Matthew Clark, William Murray, and Stephen Crampton.

All of this comes at a difficult time for me, as my wife Kathie as been very sick with high fever since Wednesday last week, and William since Friday. William went to the doctor today and he tested negative for the flu, so they sent him to get a chest x-ray and told him it could be mono. I am especially concerned for Kathie since she has Alpha-1 Anti-Trypsin Deficiency, and any cold or flu could be fatal. And I, 300 miles away, can do nothing for them but pray. I have spent time in tears begging God to take away their fever. Kathie sounded horrible tonight!

Although at times I struggle in my prayer life here in prison (I miss praying together with Kathie), I know that God is with me and orchestrating everything – and others are lifting up our arms. Thank you! For example, a man came into my cell and called me “sir.” Why I am worthy to be called “sir” is a mystery to me, but it is evidence that God is with me and He is doing something. It seems at times now my very presence changes the behavior and speech of other men, so I know God must be answering my prayers and the prayers of others. I pray God will sooner rather than later cause His presence in me to be a catalyst for others coming to Christ in a genuine way.

At times, it seems like I struggle in my prayers. I do not understand this. Yet I try to remain consistent and regular in my prayer time regardless, on a daily basis. It helps when I am by myself and can pray out loud!

I thank God that He promises to never leave nor forsake me, that He promises to see me through the fire – my own Red Sea! And I give Him praise and glory and honor as He alone is worthy to be praised! Hallelujah!

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