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Day 158


Saturday, May 11, 2019 -

Little things mean a lot when you’re in prison. Sometimes when I walk the track in the recreational yard, God will send a beautiful butterfly to lead the way in front of me. Even if it is just for a few moments, it gives me the opportunity to reflect on the goodness and greatness and mercy of my heavenly Father. Even the clouds and chirping of the birds in the trees while walking from my unit to the main building brings such joy to my spirit.

The other day, I was sitting at the edge of the bocce court and reached down to pick a tiny plane that was growing at the edge of the grass, for it resembled a plant I recall from the recesses of my mind which I remember being at the New Jersey shore where I spent three weeks as a boy every summer. I examined it carefully, removing my glasses while looking at it up close. Only then did I notice the beautifully colored bluish buds about ready to pop open at the end of each stem of the plant. It was such a joy and privilege to see this tiny marvel of God’s creation in the midst of a prison yard.

Other times, I look out on the green trees and hills in the distance and thank God for them. Another day, there was the wonderful aroma of wood burning!

So today, as you enjoy your freedom, notice the little things God has given you that otherwise, you might never notice. I missed almost all of the spring flowers and only saw 2 flowering trees, off in a distance. And the Mountain Laurel and Rhododendrons will be in full bloom in the Virginia mountains within just a couple of weeks. When you see them, thank God for His marvelous creation and the beauty of it, and count your blessings, because there are millions of people around the world who won’t have the opportunity to see even one such bloom.

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