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  • PhilipZ

Day 461

Tuesday, March 10, 2020 -

Continuing our discussion about prayer, Andrew Murray says this in his excellent book, With Christ in the School of Prayer: “What a deep heavenly mystery persevering prayer is! The God Who has promised and Who longs to give the blessing holds it back. It is a matter of such deep importance to Him that his friends on earth should know and fully trust their rich Friend in heaven! Because of this, He trains them in the school of a delayed answer to find out how their perseverance really does prevail. They can wield mighty power in heaven if they simply set themselves to it!

“There is a faith that sees the promise and embraces it but does not receive it (Hebrews 11:13, 39). When the answer to prayer does not come and the promise we most firmly trust appears to be fruitless, the trial of faith, more precious than gold, takes place. It is in this trial that the faith that has embraced the promise is purified, strengthened, and prepared in personal holy fellowship with the living God to see His glory. It takes hold the promise until it has received the fulfillment in living truth of what it had requested from the unseen but living God.”

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