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Day 485


Thursday, April 2, 2020 -

God convicted me this morning about being frustrated because of the turn of events. You see, I had intended by now to have had my final response to my attorneys and the government replies regarding my 2255 before Judge Arcara. This is where I asked him to vacate my sentence due to the ineffective council since they failed to inform me that Lisa Miller’s motive (her daughter's abuse), and hence my “aiding and abetting“ for which I was convicted, was a legitimate defense for a parent removing a child from the country.

My hope was that by now this final response would be in its finals stages….ready to be sent to the Judge. “D,” my “jailhouse lawyer,” who is a fellow believer, kept telling me we should not rush it, and now, once again, because of the near-complete lockdown, I am forced to delay once again. Why would this pandemic (COVID- 19/corona virus) happen now? Even though it arrived at the prison Tuesday, I wasn’t able to acquire the government’s final response until this afternoon, which requires a week or more “D” (mailing it home to be photocopied and sent to him and back to me). Only at that point can “D” begin to finalize the document, yet he has no means to get it typed while we are under lockdown.

Basically, we are at a standstill at the point I thought God would miraculously be sending me home! Why?

On top of all of this, Kathie has now been sick, running a low-grade fever now for three weeks, and she tells me how desperately she needs me home, and I am able to communicate with her very little. Yet here I sit, stymied by circumstance out of anyone’s control.

But this morning, God spoke to me clearly, and I was forced to repent. Due to the circumstances, “D“ emailed William, my son, with the verbiage and instructions on how to file an extension request both in regard to the 2255 matter and the April 15 deadline for me to have selected a new attorney in the civil lawsuit in Vermont. The Lord revealed to me this opportunity to delay both matters is actually a blessing, but without the chaos ensuing, as a result of the pandemic, there would be no legitimate excuse for such a delay. A delay for which there are very good strategic and timing reasons. As difficult as it is to spend additional days away from home and confined to a 7 x 9 cell with another man, there are good reasons for God allowing this to happen, the Lord told me.

First, “D“ may require more time to prepare my final filing allowing less rushed contemplation in an attempt to answer each and every doubt the judge may have pertaining to every facet of the legitimate case for vindication we have built. God’s timing is always best, not ours, and we must be patient and into her!

Secondly, God is working here within our unit. This may provide further opportunity to speak into the lives of others. “W” has been sharing his newfound faith in Christ with nearly everyone, and I believe the Holy Spirit is dealing with Sam. The guard on the evening shift gave permission for him to come to my cell to study the Bible. How awesome is that? “W” treasures these times of study together, as do I, times we thought we’re going to have to stop completely during these two weeks of quarantine.

And also, Kathie and I must be patient and endure. Please pray for us.

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