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Day 72


Thursday, February 14, 2019 (Valentine’s Day!) -

Tuesday Kathie developed a very high fever with cold or flu-like symptoms which, because she has Alpha-1 Anti-Trypsin Deficiency, alarmed me tremendously. I know that should it spread to her lungs it can be fatal, and so I began to beg and plead with the Lord to take away any infection and bring her fever down. All night long it seemed I woke up every few minutes to pray, and all-day Wednesday I plead with the Lord, sometimes in tears, that God would not allow anything to happen to my beloved wife of nearly 38 years. So I was thrilled when I finally reached her yesterday evening to learn her fever had dropped to below 100 degrees.

Right before I got through to Kathie, “C” saw me and could tell I was distressed. After I told him why, he prayed the most awesome prayer of healing for Kathie, and assured me she’d be okay. When I had tried calling her earlier, the phones just rang and rang, so I’d assumed she’d gone to the emergency room. How thrilled I was to reach her not long afterward, and that God had begun to answer our prayers.

Earlier in the day, I encountered “J” on the stairs, and after asking how each one was doing I just broke out into spontaneously saying, “Praise the Lord.” He lit up and said, “Yeah, praise the Lord!” He really liked that. Later, I saw an open Bible on his cot. Later that evening, “E” knocked on and opened the door of my cell and just started praising the Lord. I praised the Lord with him, as well. I asked him what had just happened, and he said he just felt like praising the Lord. I guess it is catching. Well, praise the Lord!

I also discovered another “seeker” who’s been studying the Bible regularly. I’m trying to converse with him as much as possible now. His name is “S.” When I’ve asked him about his salvation, he said, “Well, I’m trying.” I’ll be talking to him significantly, I’m certain.

So God is slowly beginning to work in the hearts of some of the men here. Continue to pray for their salvation.

I also had the opportunity to read two of the three Amicus Briefs filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of my Certiorari Petition to the court. Thank you to the Foundation for Moral Law, William Olson, Herb Titus, and others responsible for those briefs! They will decide on whether or not to hear my case on February 22 – a week from tomorrow!

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