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Day 73


Friday, February 15, 2019 -

Today I was challenged in the study guide for “Red Sea Rules” to write down any reaction and intended response to what I’ve learned pertaining to Red Sea Rule #4 – Pray! So here it is:

“I have prayed and pleaded with the Lord, along with Kathie and others, to avoid spending three years in prison. However, God still chose to send me to prison, and I know He has His purposes.

“Yet now, looking back, I see my predicament was not as dire as I thought it would be – and that is perhaps the partial answer to my prayer. I know God is using me, as unrealistic as that may seem, to be an example that is being used in the lives of other men in this unit and prison. I see God has already begun to significantly change lives. This causes me to rejoice in the Lord greater than either thing.

“So my prayers have somewhat changed over the past month or two, to where they are not so much prayers of desperation for me, but for His purpose, His glory, to be revealed in this place. I pray God to work through me in ways the chaplain and others are unable, to bring Christ to the lost, restore the wandering, help the seekers find the truth, and disciple those who have found Him. I see this being fulfilled slowly but steadily.

“I still pray that I will be able to return home sooner than later, but I want God’s will to be done, for His name to be glorified, that the fruit of my labors and travails might be significant for God’s kingdom, that I might remain humble and completely dependent on God Almighty, and give Him all the praise, honor and glory as only He is due!”

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