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Day 79


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Today has been a very difficult day for me. I know both Kathie and I are under intense spiritual and physical attacks. Satan is coming after us with both barrels, maybe to divert our attention and prayer focus from the Supreme Court meeting tomorrow as to whether or not to hear my case.

Normally I don’t check my “email” first thing in the morning, but this morning I checked it earlier than usual to find out from my son Josiah that’s he’d taken Kathie to the emergency room because she’d been coughing up blood, and that the doctor called and asked William to come back for another appointment. In the end, William was diagnosed with a bacterial infection, and Kathie with pneumonia and something else, but I don’t know what it is. She was so bad off tonight that for the first time she was unable to speak with me. For Kathie, who has Alpha-1 Anti-Trypsin Deficiency, a simple cold, or pneumonia especially, can be fatal. Her sister Ann’s recent health spiral that ended in her death began with pneumonia. She also had the same inherited disease, which also killed her sister Sandra and their father, both at very young ages.

So Satan continually bombards me with thoughts that when I saw Kathie on February 10, it could have been for the last time. I know, as well, that if I had not been in prison, she probably would not have contracted pneumonia in the first place! She and William and sometimes Josiah would get up at 5:00 in the morning, leave before 6 am, drive 5 hours in order to have enough time to visit with me for a few hours, and then drive back 5 hours, arriving home totally worn down and exhausted. The result was Kathie continually telling me she was getting weaker and weaker every day. Please pray for this situation! Please pray for my faith.

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